Embrace your Uniqueness

We are not anyone else, we are who we are, and if we want to succeed, we will have to succeed as ourselves.

When you compare yourself to others, you fail to accept or acknowledge the choices you truly have. If you can concentrate on those choices, on the other hand, you can find the alternative that works best for you. Keep the focus on your own situation, your strengths, your own goals, and you’ll never stray far from the right path.

Instead of comparing yourself to anyone else, measure where you are now compared to a month or a quarter or a year ago and appreciate the progress you are making. And if you see instead that you’re not progressing toward your goals, it’s most likely because those goals are not clearly defined.

People often concentrate on what they’re not good at and they spend their time wishing they could be better. Instead, recognize your limitations, but don’t allow them to limit you. Understand them and then defy them. Sometimes the best way to excel is to set your own rules.

Embrace your uniqueness. Comparisons don’t leave room for the things that make you unique. What are your gifts? What makes you different? The purpose of your life is to find your voice and make your own mark on the world. Your gifts and talents and successes and contributions and value are entirely unique to you and your purpose in this world. That’s why you can never truly be compared to anyone else.

Celebrate the things you’ve accomplished, and then raise the bar a little bit higher. Do this each time you succeed, and you’ll be too busy to compare yourself to anyone.

Summing-up: If you are looking to succeed, the only person you must compare yourself to – is YOU. Compare yourself to your goals. Compare yourself to your values. Compare yourself to where you were. Embrace your uniqueness.

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