The Power of Scent

The human nose contains about five million olfactory receptors. These tiny receptors pick up all the different scents you encounter — both good and bad — and then pass this information along to the brain. From there, they’re known to impact our emotions, our behavior and even what information we retain and draw on later on. They also impact how we taste.

Of all the senses, the sense of smell is often the sense considered least important. Yet a scent has the power to set the mind reeling. Scent not only has the power to affect mood and invoke memories, a scent can shape your entire sense of well-being. Scent can even affect the way others respond to you.

Scent is one of the key senses that may flood you with a rush of emotions, or memories. Just as sound and sight trigger thoughts and ideas, scent is a huge factor in the way that you may feel. We can all dress up in our tailored clothes, with perfectly coiffed hairstyles, and flawless make-up and strut around like puffed up peacocks. If you don’t have an appealing scent, this may all be meaningless.

Far from being a weak and unimportant sense, our odor-detecting ability is surprisingly acute and shapes our social interactions in ways we do not consciously realize. A single scent has the power to trigger feelings of peace, energy and even a good night’s sleep.

Summing-up: Different scents can make us feel and behave different ways. Scents can evoke memories, help us process our external environments and aid us in achieving tranquility.

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