A Collection of Miniskills

What we consider as expertise usually takes a long time to develop. Expertise in a domain is not a single skill but rather a large collection of miniskills. The same professional may be highly expert in some of the tasks in her domain while remaining a novice in others.

Learning high-level chess can be compared to learning to read. A first grader works hard at recognizing individual letters and assembling them into syllables and words, but a good adult reader perceives entire clauses. An expert reader has also acquired the ability to assemble familiar elements in a new pattern and can quickly “recognize” and correctly pronounce a word that she has never seen before. In chess, recurrent patterns of interacting pieces play the role of letters, and a chess position is a long word or a sentence.

Acquiring expertise in chess is harder and slower than learning to read because there are many more letters in the “alphabet” of chess and because the “words” consist on many letters.

After thousands of hours of practice, however, chess masters are able to read a chess situation at a glance. The few moves that come to their mind are almost always strong and sometimes creative. They can deal with a “word” they have never encountered, and they can find a new way to interpret a familar ones.

Summing-up: Acquisition of expertise is an incremental process, a large collection of miniskills.



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