Stop Waiting for the ‘Big Idea’!

Disruptive innovation is the concept of new ideas dramatically and successfully changing the status quo. A new idea catches on like wildfire, wipes out the competition and forever changes the landscape. Disruptive innovation is exciting, captivating and naturally receives a lot of attention. Stories of disruptive ideas fuel our need for hope and the dream of fame and fortune.

Disruptive innovation is an admirable aspiration and a real possibility. However, a singular obsession with disruptive innovation can disrupt an organization’s innovation efforts and success. A sole focus on the “big hit” drains resources and is perhaps hoping a bit too much for a very rare occurrence to happen.

In this context, we must not forget the value of continuous innovation, a focus on gradual improvement and change. A focus on continuous innovation helps to ensure a steady stream of improvement that is the true key to a sustainable organization.

Additionally, continuous innovation is not without merit in the hope of someday achieving a disruptive innovation. A focus on continuous innovation builds momentum and organizational “innovation muscle” that increases the possibility of creating the next big thing.

Innovation is a team effort. Contrary to what stories sometimes convey, innovation in organizations is almost never the result of a lone inventor. Instead, innovation is a result of cross-functional teams cooperating, collaborating and sharing a vision. Valuing, involving and leading multiple perspectives are at the heart of successful innovation leadership.

A key point is how to balance the tension between managing the day-to-day business while simultaneously driving for improvement and reinvention. Navigating the polarities of existing business and new ideas is both the art and practice of a successful innovation approach.

Summing-up: Theories come and go. Fantastic glory comes infrequently and quickly fades. What remains a constant is the importance and value of great leadership. Great leadership is what sustains innovation – both the continuous innovation and the disruptive innovation necessary to build a sustainable organization.

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