The Positive Effects of Nature on Your Well Being

“Go outside and play. It’ll be good for you.” Little did we know as children how valuable that advice was. Science has shown that parental wisdom to be more accurate than we realized. There are multiple health benefits to spending time in nature.

People tend to be more active when in nature. Also, people enjoy being physically active in nature more than indoors. Because of this, people are more likely to repeat the activity, which evidence has shown leads to lowered blood pressure, improved immune system function, and better endocrine system balance.

People who participate in group walks in nature have greater mental well-being, less depression, less stress. There is also better cognitive performance following a nature experience, and quicker recovery from stressful exposures.

Youth in camp settings, people in parks and people on group walks in nature experience more positive emotions and fewer negative emotions.

There are also spiritual benefits. Both youth and adults experience more transcendence, serenity, and tranquility when they spend time in nature.

Spending time in nature has cumulative effects. Those physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits seem almost too good to be true. Nature can be like an instant path to relaxation, similar to meditation.

Summing-up: People can benefit even from very short experiences in nature, such as 10 to 15 minutes per day. In fact, it is repeated short experiences that are most helpful. All in all, being exposed to a natural environment makes you function better.

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