Why Daily Stand-Up Meeting Matters

This is a meeting very easy to perform, but very difficult to master.

The Normal Performance

The Daily Stand-up Meeting is an event held every morning at the same time, where all the people involved in a project gather in a space available for standing.

The meeting should be over in under 10 minutes and every person must to tell to the rest of the team:

  • What I accomplished yesterday
  • What I plan to accomplish today
  • What issues are blocking my progress

And for every issue, the rest of the people say if they can help to solve it.

Why this meeting matters

The meeting is for the team, by the team and to the team. It must be held next to the burndown chart of the project.

The most important point is not what every single person has finished yesterday; the most important point is to share something that has value for the rest of team and something relevant to the goal of the sprint.

The daily stand-up is a great way to get everyone on the same page, re-focus the team on the highest priority items, and lay out a quick plan of attack to apply immediatly, without having to wait until the end of the sprint.

Summing-up: when the daily stand-up go well, the team has a clear understanding of how they go to where they are today, where they are trying to go, and the route they are going to follow. This is where we can ensure that we will meet the goal of the sprint.

These Notes have been taken from:

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